Nove opcije na najskupljem online kursu u Srbiji. Saznajte koje!Malo je reći da sam oduševljen :) Još jedna stvar koja nas izdvaja!Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Kako da ulaganje u edukaciju bude vaša najbolja investicija u životu?Prošli post je napravio veliku buru. Ovo sad već počinje da liči na dnevnik jednog mrguda. Agencijskog buntovnika.Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Ne kupujte kurseve dok ne dobijete odgovor na najteže pitanje! Možda vam ne ispuni očekivanja!Da li sa vašim kursevima mogu da pokrenem neku svoju priču ili da sebi napravim dodatni prihod? Odlično pitanje! Nešto što bi svaki…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
What is Web Accessibility and Why It is Important?It’s a resource that adds immense value to many aspects of our life. However, the truth is, there are still many virtual barriers people…May 22, 2019May 22, 2019
Is it time to say goodbye to your web shop?The popular social media platform, Instagram, on 19th of March launched „ Checkout with Instagram “- a new online shopping feature that…May 17, 2019May 17, 2019
10+1 reasons to hire a creative digital agency in SerbiaLet’s face the facts! Do you know how to optimize digital marketing costs, find suitable partners for collaboration and make more profit.May 15, 2019May 15, 2019
Why is a sales funnel on websites so importantLike it or not, sales funnel is the only way to reliably maximize revenue and outmaneuver the competition. Find out why!Apr 23, 2019Apr 23, 2019
The impact of web design on salesWhen we are planning the online sales, usually we manage the established steps of the so called sales funnel. Sales funnel is usually made…Feb 6, 2019Feb 6, 2019
TOP 5 ONLINE TRENDS AND THEIR IMPACT ON MUSIC INDUSTRYThe ever-increasing pressures of new-age technologies are spurring every industry into change, more or less rapidly and urgently —…May 8, 2017May 8, 2017